A few years ago, my husband got me a sewing machine for my birthday. I was super excited and signed up for a beginner's sewing class. I made a purse in the class, and really regret the fabric I used. I will likely never use the purse. I've done a few little projects over the past couple of years, including a t-shirt quilt that is taking forever! I should be done with it soon. When I was at Joann's Fabric getting supplies for the quilt, I noticed patterns were on sale 5 for $5, so I picked up 5 that seemed pretty easy. Until yesterday, I hadn't even started any of them.

I decided I would make a skirt first. I had some coupons for Hancock Fabrics, so I went searching for the skirt fabric. I didn't find anything I completely loved for the skirt, but ended up with this houndstooth twill. Got home and was anxious to get started. This is when I realized I don't want to follow directions. Of course, it said I should wash the fabric first, to pre-shrink. That seemed like it would take way too long. After considering the potential for making a skirt, only to wash it and be unable to wear it, I decided to follow the instructions. So, the skirt fabric won't be ready for about an hour.

Instead of waiting patiently, I was anxious to sew something! At the store, I noticed this leopard print flowy polyester fabric. I obviously have no idea what it actually should be called. I would fail design school. It was too light for the skirt, but I wanted it, so I bought 2 yards, for some future project When my skirt plan was foiled, I went to my patterns and found a simple tank top. Should be easy, right?? I tried to follow the instructions, but I honestly had no idea what they were describing. I had to get online and search for terms, and even watched a video on youtube about how to gather. Eventually, I gave up on the pattern instructions and just did what made sense to me. I think it turned out pretty cute:
I learned a few things in the process:
- I really don't like following instructions. I would much rather wing it.
- Making clothes is probably more expensive than buying. I saw a very similar top the other day for about $14. Once you add up the fabric/thread/pattern, and my hours, I think $14 would have been a wiser choice.
- I should probably start looking at Goodwill for items I can refashion, rather than starting from scratch.
I think I might ditch the other pattern and just make a skirt however I want. It can't be that complicated, right??
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