I haven't done a Throwback Thursday in awhile, but I though it would be fun to post some old pictures from my high school formals. Last Saturday, my high school had prom, but crazy weather made things interesting. The kids
spent most of prom night huddled in a tornado shelter.
It sounds like they made the most of it, and hopefully still had a fun night.
Anyway, I thought it was a fun excuse to dig up my old formal pictures. Faces have been changed to protect my dates. I'm not sure everyone is cool with having their high school formal pictures posted on the internet. I should also explain that homecoming at my high school was in February, for basketball, because we didn't have football then. And we all dressed up way more than most other schools did for Homecoming. The girls were just as formal for homecoming as prom. The boys just wore suits mostly for HC, and then got tuxes for Prom. Here it goes..
Freshman Homecoming, I went by myself. After the dinner (yes, we had dinner at the event, not before like most schools), one of my friends who had also gone solo asked me to be his date for the rest of the night. Very tricky, he didn't have to pay for my ticket or buy me a corsage! My dress was from the clearance rack at Dillard's, and my mom sewed black satin under the arms, because it had a lattice thing, and it wouldn't have been allowed if my skin was showing through. I also don't know why I thought it was cool to wear elbow length velvet gloves, but I was convinced it was awesome.
Sophomore Homecoming, I also went alone, and didn't even get a date at the event. This dress was like $20 at the Dillard's Outlet that used to be near Kansas City. You can't really tell, but I am wearing giant hoop earrings. I also had silver elbow length gloves that I was going to wear, but I changed my mind at the last minute.
Junior year, I actually got asked to homecoming BEFORE the event. My grandpa died that week, so I missed a few days of school for the funeral. I got a call from my date on Saturday afternoon wondering if we were still going. I probably should have let him know I would be there, even though I had missed school. This dress was from a random bridal shop in Wichita. I can't even remember why my mom and I were there, but I fell in love with the red velvet dress and just had to have it. I still really love it, but I'm sure my classmates thought I was kind of a weirdo. I mean, velvet dresses weren't really a thing. But then again, neither were velvet elbow gloves...

For Junior Prom, one of my best girl friends and I hadn't been asked yet, so we asked one of our guy friends from another school, and we went all 3 together. We didn't get a formal picture, because that would have been a little awkward. I had borrowed this dress from a friend, who wore it to Homecoming the previous year. It had been strapless (not allowed!), so she sewed ribbons on it and wore it as a halter. I decided to mix it up and tie the bow in front, which I think was pretty cool of me. I also straightened my hair instead of getting a standard up-do. Several people had no idea who I was, because I looked so different. Of course, it was a super rainy night, so by the end of everything, my hair was not so straight anymore, but it was fun to do something different.

Senior Year, I actually got dates to both Homecoming and Prom! For Homecoming, I found this really simple black and white dress. You can't really tell in the picture, but there was a white ribbon bow around the waist. I also loved the tulle peeking out at the bottom. I think I had to beg my mom to let me go without tights. Or maybe she said I had to, and then I took them off once I got to the dance? It's hard to say for sure...
For Senior Prom, my mom and I were at another bridal shop. We must have just gone there looking for dresses. Anyway, I found this red strapless dress, which was like $300 dollars. It was amazing! The bodice was beaded, and then it had this huge tulle skirt. Wearing that dress was the most princess-y I have felt other than my wedding. We almost bought it, but I couldn't justify spending that much. Plus, I wasn't sure the skirt would have fit through a doorway, much less into my date's car. I ended up getting a simpler dress, which was way more appropriate for prom. You can kind of tell that my eye shadow and toenail polish match my dress exactly.
Formal posed photos are so awkward.
Anyway, thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me!