Friday after work, John and I hit the road for a weekend away. Since we prefer a short drive, our destination of choice was Des Moines, IA! My most difficult task - trying really really really hard to not sing "You really ought to give Iowa a try!" all weekend. (Where my Music Man fans at??)
We rolled into our hotel around 9:30, and there just happened to be a Sister Hazel concert on the green space right next to it. We listened to them for a bit, and then went looking for a coffee shop, or (let's be honest) dessert.
I highly suggest
Java Joes, if you are ever in downtown Des Moines. They have ice cream AND board games. We played Scrabble, because that's what we do. It was an epic game, with FIVE seven-letter plays. It was crazy. At the end, we realized that the set was missing the J and X, so that really changed the dynamic. Okay, I'm talking about Scrabble too much. Moving on...
On Saturday, we went to check out the Farmer's Market and then walked down to the sculpture park. It was a little warm out, but the park was really cool. And I did cliche poses, because that's what bloggers do!
After hiding inside for a little while in the afternoon, we got cleaned up and went to dinner
here. (We tried to go
here, but the line to even put your name in was out the door, so we abandoned that plan pretty quickly.) Then we were on a mission to find some live music. The internet wasn't helpful, but we noticed some guys setting up sound equipment and went to check it out. Success! They were a cover band, and played an assortment of stuff, but mostly 90s alt-rock, which we were happy with. Then we may have gone back to Java Joe's. Because what's a Saturday evening without board games?

Sunday was my favorite. A little backstory - I can't ride a bike (Or really do anything that requires balance, like skating, or you know, walking without frequently tripping). But I really love the idea of going on a bike ride. During our
walk around the lake last week, we saw a guy on a recumbent trike, and I decided that would be the perfect solution! I've heard of the
Trestle Trail, and wanted to try it out. So we rented trikes and had the best time! The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so that helped. And now I want a trike! So if anyone is looking to get me a very expensive birthday present, there's a hint.
After that, we were starving, and ended up at
Jethro's BBQ. Amazing! I would eat smoked turkey every day. Then we thought a movie would be fun.
Lucy started out cool, and then just got really weird and boring. So, I don't recommend it.
Then we drove home. It was a really fun weekend! Des Moines gets my stamp of approval for an easy weekend away.